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イタリア・ミラノで毎年開催される世界最大の家具見本市「Salone del Mobile Milano(通称:ミラノサローネ)」の新人公募部門「SaloneSatellite(サテリテ)」に、作品「きび」を出展いたしました。






We exhibited our project “KIBI” at SaloneSatellite/Salone del Mobile Milano.

Please check the page “KIBI for description of the project.

20,000 of blanc papers piled-up as a furniture, are metaphor of layers of emotions and memories, that cannot be expressed by words.

And the shadows of products falling by lifted acryl, evokes consciousness of unshaped, untouchable things.


Art direction :

河上 真理 / Mari Kawakami (tunnel design)

Space and furniture design : 

仲野 耕介 / Kosuke Nakano (tunnel design)

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